How The Indian Biogas Ecosystem Is Shaping?

24 November 2021
Compressed Biogas

Biogas plants are not new to India as they date back to the eighteenth century. This sustainable and alternative fuel has been viewed as a game-changer. It has all the makings of becoming an obvious choice for bridging the energy deficit. Companies offering compressed biogas plant says that the role of biogas technology has evolved over the past decade. Earlier the technology was just used in the anaerobic treatment of cow dung and now with its scope expanding, it is used in treating various other organics including industrial waste, agricultural waste, municipal waste, food waste, dairy waste, and slaughterhouse to name a few. Production methods have advanced at a rapid pace and contemporary biogas technology now has sophisticated feedstock pre-treatment, digestion, purification, and upgradation methods to make the whole process hassle-free. The contemporary biogas ecosystem has much more to offer as the technologies used in the recovery of by-products have also advanced quite significantly. Technological advancements have also improved the utilization of biogas and its upgraded forms by a significant margin.

Despite the massive transformations, the Indian biogas ecosystem leaves a lot to be desired, when compared to the global scenario. The comparison clearly outlines the slow pace at which India is embracing technological advancements. So, what really is preventing the Indian biogas ecosystem from realizing its full potential?

A survey carried out by the Indian Biogas Association (IBA) discovers that the absence of standards in the Indian biogas and bio CNG industry is one of the prime reasons. Lack of standardization requires to be addressed to overcome this huge challenge. The majority of members stated that well defined and documented set of rules is the need of the hour and it must encompass terminologies & definitions, emission, end-usage of products, and occupation, safety, and health-related norms.

Organizations offering biogas purification systems say that the Indian government’s initiative certainly deserves an applause as it happens to be one of the biggest and the most diverse programs India witnessed to date. NNBOMP (New National Biogas and Organic Manure Program). MNRE also has taken commendable steps by rationalizing the subsidy scheme to promote the use of biogas.

Speaking of the mid-sized and large-scale biogas plants, MNRE decentralized power generation plants between the capacity of 3 to 250 KW. To be eligible for a subsidy, the biogas plants must have all the necessary components/systems including biogas scrubber, energy meter, engine and flow meter to name a few. The eligibility criterion also emphasizes complete adherence to pollution control policies.

Hope you found the post useful. Should you need more information related to biogas scrubber or hydrogen sulfide scrubber feel free to get in touch with us.

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